The Evolutionary Cognition Group at the GfP in Konstanz
Here are some impressions from the poster presentations and talks we have been giving at the Conference of the Gesellschaft für Primatologie in Konstanz last week. 4 PhD Students (Adele Tuozzi, Benjamin Laubi, Débora da Cruz and Nikhil Phaniraj) and 2 Master Students (Konatsu Ono & Vasudha Kulkarni) presented posters as well as one PhD Student (Monika Mircheva) and two Postdocs (Paola Cerrito, Rahel Brügger) were giving talks all on ongoing projects in our lab. Topics ranged from first results from the ERC project to neurodevelopmental timing or mathematical modelling of vocal learning. We have enjoyed our time in Konstanz tremendously and have come back with a lot of new ideas from many interesting contributions and plenaries.