For a detailed overview of all lectures find out more on the UZH Course Catalogue
Bio 508 Master Thesis & Bio 500 Research Internship
Both upon agreement. Please contact Judith Burkart: judith.burkart*
Bio 216 Primate origins of human sociality, cognition and mind
This lecture aims at exploring the current state of the art of research in primate cognition. To do so, we will first provide an overview over the fast growing field of comparative psychology, identifying cognitive capacities across primates in various social and non-social domains, with data from both the wild and captivity. Based on the comparative approach, we will then discuss various hypotheses of primate cognitive evolution that have been proposed to explain this pattern, and ultimately ask whether and how this approach can help us to understand the evolutionary pathways that have led to our own cognitive capacities.
Bio 211 Primate behaviour and cognition: concepts methods and tools
In this course, you will be introduced to current topics and debates in primate behavior and cognition, with particular emphasis on how studying nonhuman primates can help understand human evolution. You will learn how to empirically approach and implement such ideas via demonstrations and hands-on experience with state of the art methods (e.g. systematic behavioral observations, experimental approaches, data preparation and analysis) and tools (e.g. thermography as non-invasive measure of arousal, automated audio and video recordings, endocrinology). The course will be a mix of lectures, demonstrations and exercises and also includes several excursions to zoo's and the Institute's Primate Station for the practical parts.
Bio 391 Biologie & Philosophie
Die Grundfragen der Philosophie kann man gemäss Immanuel Kant letztlich in die eine zusammenfassen: Was ist der Mensch? Diese Frage kann heute nicht mehr angemessen gestellt werden, ohne die Ergebnisse der Human- und Naturwissenschaften zu berücksichtigen. In unserem Seminar werden Aspekte dieses zentralen Themas besprochen werden.
Bio 553 Journal Club in Anthropology
Weekly discussions of recent and relevant research in Evolutionary Anthropology. To join please contact Rahel Brügger: rahelkatharina.bruegger*